ISO27001 Certified Supplier

We are certified under ISO27001, the Information Security Standard.

We’re an IT company: you’d expect us to say that we take information security seriously – and we do. But we would say that, wouldn’t we?

Proving we take security seriously

We don’t think you should have to take our word for it, so back in 2014 we embarked upon the journey to certification under ISO27001:2013, the Information Security standard. We examined, refined, documented and tested every aspect of Information Security, both within Tiger Computing and extending to how we manage and support our clients’ systems. In May 2015, we put ourselves to the test. We were independently audited and were assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of ISO27001:2013.

What does our ISO27001 certification mean for you?

It means that you can rest assured that we take Information Security seriously. We will continue to refine and improve our Information Security policies.

We will be independently audited annually to confirm that we are maintaining the required high standards of ISO27001:2013.

Get in touch

If you’d like know more about how we work, get in touch.

Image: Dayne Topkin